A fully embodied woman is “fully expressed”
A woman’s portal of expression are :-
– Vagina
– Voice
If either of it is blocked, she doesn’t feel SAFE to express.
A woman’s sexuality isn’t just restricted to her breast or her vagina. It infact starts with her VOICE! How FULLY she claims her THORAT denotes how RADIANTLY alive she feels within.
Her sexuality gets enhanced with cosmic beauty but her truest raw beauty is how she FEELS in her Vagina & in her HEART!
Sensual awakening is ability to LIVING the core expression
When your Voice opens up is when your Yoni gets signaled that it is safe for her to open up too!
Mapping of Larynx & the Uterus
Vagina & Voice
– Both are portals of “entry & exit”
– The jaw = hips (pelvis)
– Thorat = Vagina
– Back thorat = Cervix
– Lips = labia/vagina mouth
The vagus nerve (responsible for pleasure) runs from the backhead to skull/brain stem/to chest & connects to the Cervix.
From times immemorial, women have been trained not to speak if even if they abused or ill-treated.
A Woman is often conscious of how she sounds while she is moaning. She wants to sound “perfect” in order to please her partner.
Women receive a lot of judgement around their voice. For ex I was repeatedly told I have a childlike voice & horrible diction & that my voice repels the opposite sex & for decades I held this as “true”
It takes massive rework around rewilding the old templates & replacing it with TRUTH!
Your voice isn’t just related to your speech, it is connected to how you articulate your expressions, even if it’s a silent smile or a deep sigh!
A good way to gauge how alive your womb is feeling is to close examine how well & fully you use you VOICE in your expression.
Both are directly connected & go a long way to helping one feeling centered, balanced & anchored in your core!
You don’t have to be a singer to fully activate your voice.
In my somatic sessions with women I facilitate them to use their voice to release supressed emotions (shame, rage, trauma)
I combine it with Feminine Sensual flows that is juicy, fluid & orgasmic for the body to participate in welcoming ease which is the body’s natural state of being. It deepens feminine surrender & helps to feel safe in the body, by occupying full space in the body!
Breathwork is an important tool that helps the voicebox to open up & relax! Review how relaxed is your breath & devote time to “Breathwork” daily in order to relax your Larynx & the Uterus!
The next time you
Cry, laugh, moan, scream, write, dance, sing, sigh, smile
Know that your vagina is living all of it with you!!
Sheetal R Ahuja