The best way to know yourself is by touching your Yoni
You know who and how you are in the world by how connected you are to your Yoni
She will reveal where you’re not in alignment in your life.
Your Yoni doesn’t lie.
She will show you everything.
She will make you feel everything.
She will make you surrender your ego.
Your Yoni is the truth.
When you touch her, your ego surrenders to the deepest truth.
It’s the deepest part of you that holds your power, truth and magic but also the deep grief, sacred anger, and resentment.
You can alchemize all your wounds into gold by touching her.
If you want to have a better relationship with your body and your Yoni
You have to touch her with your own fingers.
There’s many ways you can touch your Yoni from stroking your clitoris to inserting your fingers inside your vagina and actually feel her.
Wanna learn about yourself and your Yoni?
Listen to her.
Really feel her.
Look at her.
Be present with her.
Connect with her.
That’s where the truth is.
When you connect to her deeply, you’ll meet the dark feminine.
You haven’t done the work to integrate all aspects of yourself if you have’t met the dark feminine and connected to your sex.
The path to healing your body is descending to it and meeting the dark feminine.
Where you need healing that’s where your medicine is!!