What differentiates “sex” from “lovemaking?
Most people are having superficial sex without really realising what is going on, on an energetic/spiritual level. Empty sex with just anyone, we create more wounding & trauma for both.
Let’s understand what truly unfolds in a Conscious Lovemaking:-
– Everytime you make love, you are opening yourself to deeper initiations.
– The lingam is a wand of light & as it enters a woman’s yoni temple & shines light of consciousness the darkest portal of a woman’s being (the womb) which holds the unconscious, it is bound to stir up A LOT.
– The wand of light wishes to fulfill highlighting all that remains in the unconscious of the woman’s psyche, (which is also the extension of the man’s psyche)
– Everytime he penetrates her, he is merging with her consciousness & therefore his own.
– He has a chance each time to rebirth every time he penetrates her with love & so does she. She has the capacity to rebirth both of them & the relationship patterns, every single time they make sacred love.
– When this force of light moves through a woman’s womb unconsciousness portal it is going to blast away anything that is not pure consciousness..
– This is where the shadows start to arise. As light shines upon darkness & casts its shadows.
– And if there is limited safety or presence from the masculine side of the relationship, then the woman’s emotions are going to be extreme & “chaotic”.
– Because she is alchemising not only her own unconscious, but his also as she has received so much of him through the act of lovemaking.
What differentiates “sex” from “lovemaking?
Soulful suggestions:-
– Turn your phones off an hour before lovemaking and connect to yourself and your beloved.
– If you’re feeling stuck, move or shake your bodies to get out of your head.
– Maybe you need to have a cry or a clearing conversation.
– Come into the moment.
– Breathe together deeply.
– Look into each other’s eyes.
– Feel the belly rise and fall with the waves of love in your heart and desire in your bodyLet go of the goal to get anywhere
– Take in your beloved’s smells and textures
– Let your beloved take in your sounds
– Slow down.
– Notice what your beloved responds in pleasure to.
– Speed up and then slow down again if you lose loving presence
– Embrace your wildness and theirs.
Bite… moan… ravish… scream… laugh… cry… receive…give…ask for what you desire.
Breathe. Sound. Stay in your body. Slow down. Speed up. Slow down again.