Twin flames originate from the same “oversoul” and share the same soul frequency and energetic blueprint. They are one “unified ball of energy” expressed in two bodies.
This same soul essence incarnated into separate bodies in order to experience duality and to master the soul’s evolution through having experiences balancing the two polarities in the earthly realm.
The Twin Soul connection is always a triad involving the Divine Spirit. Two people connected by Soul, connected to God.
Purpose of a Twinflame Connection:-
– Catalyzing your spiritual growth
– Mirroring your deepest desires, needs, and fears.
– Challenging growth by shedding of ego
– Triggering spiritual awakening and an energetic release of all lower harmonic emotions blocking harmonious union with self, with Universe/God & with your twin flame
– Achieving self-mastery thereby accelerating our ascension process.
Signs of being a “Twin-Soul”
– Ambassadors of “Unconditional Love”
– Awareness that this is your “last incarnation”
– Benevolence personified
– Forgives self & others easily
– Empathy & Compassion for self & others
– High degrees of Patience & Tolerance
– Believer of “Letting GO”
– Coming from dysfunctional family set up, values “relationships” at their core
– Deep desire to go “HOME”
– An intense desire to align with his/her Higher Self
– Here to defy old 3D templates of Love, Sex & Relationship
– A knowing deep within that they are here to “create change” & pioneers & usher transformation
– Willing to work on self
Signs that you have met your Twinflame:-
– Instantly feeling “at home” with them;
– A deep resonance in their presence of comfort, safety, familiarity and complete surrender
– Eye contact feels very intense or penetrating; may trigger immediate emotional responses or even flashes of past life memories
– Sudden increase in intuitive abilities, such as telepathy or clairvoyance, or psychic phenomena upon meeting
– Meeting in dreams and on the astral plane; frequent astral traveling; the experience is so vivid that it feels as if it actually happened
– “Meeting” your twin flame in a dream/on the astral plane prior to encountering them here in 3D; having visions of them prior to actually meeting them
– Feeling their energy or hearing their thoughts, even if you’re separated or far apart
– The deep reverence and love you feel for this person sparks a desire to be of Higher Purpose here on Earth, regardless of whether you are physically with that person
– Your desire for this person to be joyful and fulfilled supersedes your desire to be physically together in a partnership – you are able to detach from outcome and still feel unconditional love for them
– Your purpose together is beyond simply mating and/or having children together and you have some type of individual and/or combined healing or spiritual purpose to fulfill on the Earthly plane to assist humanity in spiritual awakening and ascension
– Similar childhood patterns/issues/core wounding
– Feeling as if this person is always with you energetically
– Seeing number sequences such as 11:11, 1:11, 222, 333, 444,
– High-pitched ringing in your ears, especially when you’re in the presence of this person
– Ability of being your authentic self, without the fear of rejection, persecution or judgment around them.
Contrary to popular belief, twin flames do not complete each other– this is because the soul itself is already complete. On a personal level, twin flame relationships prepare us to acknowledge, experience and eventually embody the “Wholeness” that has always and forever been inside of us.
These connections exist to aid the collective growth of our planet towards compassion, tranquility, and Unconditional Love!
Sheetal R Ahuja