Magdalene Rose

“TwinFlame” communion!

Are you yearning to go “home”?
Are you ready for your “highest spiritual awakening”?
Do you desire “oneness” with your soul?
Are you ready to love unconditionally?

If any of these struck a chord & your heart answered you; then you are ready to meet & unite with your “TwinFlame”

“TwinFlame” – a topic thats always been close to my heart. Its almost as if I took human incarnation to experience this “oneness” & come “home to self”

Thanks to media, we have seen, heard, read so much about Soul mates, Twin flames & have incorrect/incomplete understanding of it.
Lets review some of it.

– Twin flame is about relationships
*Relationship means distance between A and B, whereas a Twinflame experiences is only about Oneness/Communion*

– My TF (TwinFlame) is my better/other half
*your Twin is not a half. Your twin is your soul’s mirror, so your TF is your “integrated, completed, healed, purest essence of you*

– My twin is here to teach me love
*Your twin teaches you to vibrate in the frequency of unconditional love & dance to the rhythm of oneness*

– I have to love my twin more than myself
*Do NOT even attempt to love your twin, if you aren’t ready to love yourself first. That too FIERCELY. Loving your twin, is synonymous to intense degree of “unexplored self love”*

– My twin will make my world perfect
*Your twin will led you to find your own path to enrich your Life. He/she doesnt correct your world, they only show you the current imperfections of your existing world*

– Twin flame relationships are about candle lit dinner, long drives, gifts, tagging each other on social media, partying
*Your twin will LIT the lamp of wisdom admisit the darkness,
Your twin will facilitate long rewarding journeys that you will initiate from within. Your twin will gift you your most important lessons that you haven’t learnt till now.
They will tag your in your own “self development”
Your twin parties with you in the oneness of the sacred space that exists between them*

– My twin is my knight in shinning armour
*your twin creates the warrior spirit within you that has forgotten to rise after numerous failures*

– My twin will love me more than my previous lover
*your twin will love you as much as you love your soul*

– My twin is someone who is better than me in all areas
*your twin vibrates at same frequency as you. He/she is your truest projection/reflection*

– my twin will help me overcome all challenges
– *your twin will prepare you & equip you to combat any adversity*

– there is to much pain & longing & seperaration in Twinflame relationship
*When you experience “oneness” with him/her, at all levels, the pain, & separation becomes an illusion*

LIFE gets chaotic after meeting a twin
– *Twinflame is solely unconditional love & vibrating at the frequency of “oneness” so any friendship, relationship, habit, belief, traits, behaviour, that is lesser than this, begins to weed away so that there is room for your twin to exist with you*

– I drown into his eyes
*An overwhelming feeling of seeing yourself in his/her eyes, washes you over as a sea wave*

– my twin is somewhere there
*your twin flame exists between the spaces of your breath. He/she is the stillness of your being, the wisdom of your soul. He/she is of the same soul fabric. Your twin lives with you, rejoices within you, cries with you & his/her essence exists in the wind that comforts you*

Its an intense, passionate, soulful journey & it comes about in Life only when the soul is “ready”

To all the beautiful twins, forward blessings to each of you to unite, merge & rejoice in the Gift of “oneness”*

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