Connecting with our inner world is essential to be able to live in peace and harmony. When we are aware of this fact and are ready to step into our own beauty, we can then create a true and honest relationship with the world around us – people, environment and nature.
The five elements, that relate to our subtle and gross body, are composed of energy. When we move towards a more subtle body, connected to our mind & spirit, we touch the vital forces, the subtle senses – smell, taste, sight, touch and sound.
ETHER. sound
AIR. sound + touch
FIRE. sound + touch + sight
WATER. sound + touch + sight + taste E
EARTH. sound + touch + sight + taste + smell
Our subtle senses create a fully new perception and allow us to expand our experiences beyond its normal reach.
They create a shift in our reality and bring about different actions, inner states, feelings & emotions.
Start by noticing these inner senses with equanimity and compassion as often as you consciously can.
Your capacity to do this will expand with practice, so keep at it!
Our beautiful most subtle perceptions remain unnoticed to most and they are connected to the deepest part of our soul. This is the source of our intuition and inner-knowing.
As you are present with it, you can open to what is and what will come.
Bring your body and mind back to stillness, calm and silence and just feel, be present.
If your mind is still enough and your emotions are calm and pleasant you may be able to receive these most subtle forms of communication from your body. These take forms as visions, images, amazing and spontaneous ideas and in some rarer cases, prophecy.
Your intuition is this inner energy which makes you feel calm, light, inspired.
It brings you a sense of resolution and appears to be crystal clear.
It feels good and right to your soul, which seems then to be in tune with this whispering voice, vision or deep feeling.
Sheetal R Ahuja