Magdalene Rose

20200417 221318

The Womb Hold

  • How often do you bring awareness to your womb space throughout the day?
  • How often do you consciously hold her in reverence, feel her and listen to what she has to say?
  • How often does your beloved hold your womb in a loving and healing way?

    The Womb Hold is one of the most simple and easy practices to begin to awaken the wisdom of the womb within.

  • Close your eyes and begin by placing one or both hands on your womb and start to breathe into your womb space.
  • Take 10 to 20 deep breaths here. You can visualize your womb as a chalice and imagine filling your breath into the entire cup.
  • Then begin to visualize luminous light extending from your hands into your womb as you breathe. Allow the light to slowly fill your entire womb center and pelvic floor.
  • Continue to breathe your pure awareness and loving presence into this space for as long as you’d like until you feel complete.
  • If a partner is doing the Womb Hold they can place one hand over the center of your womb or use both hands depending on how you are positioned.

    It’s that easy & powerful!

A really special and beautiful time for your beloved (or yourself) to hold your womb is right before you bleed and during your menstrual cycle.

Every women deserves to be held and loved by her partner in this way.

But it starts with you first!!

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