Magdalene Rose

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The Sacred Dance:-

Regardless of gender, we have both of these energies inside of us. The goal is not to balance these energies but to harmonize them. There’s a misconception that a woman needs to be feminine and a man needs to be masculine. While it’s important to honor both of these energies inside of you, what you “need” at any given moment is going to fluctuate.
Some days, I have deadlines to complete my exams & assignments, other days, I want to rest, read and retreat into the mountains for some ‘me time.’ The only way I can know what I need is to tap into my body, and my day, to see what messages can be learned.

Here are some examples of disharmonies I often see in my coaching practice:

• Not letting anyone take care of you because that means you’re helpless and weak. (Limiting beliefs around the feminine)

• Not standing up for yourself with friends or speaking your ideas at work. (Limiting beliefs around the masculine)

• Not letting people take some of the workload responsibility because only you can do it right. (Limiting beliefs around the feminine)

• Saying yes to everything because you don’t want to be seen as rude if you say no. (Limiting beliefs around the feminine)

• Being afraid of being seen or heard for your uniqueness (Limiting beliefs around the masculine)

• Trying to punish yourself into changing who you are instead of accepting yourself with love (Limiting beliefs with feminine)

Journaling Questions

1. Write down all of the feminine qualities you currently feel very present in your body. Where do you feel your feminine spirit shining brightly?

2. What areas in your life do you struggle with giving up control around the most?

3. Write down all of the limiting beliefs you have around femininity. (“It’s weak” “It means I can’t do anything myself”

Sheetal R Ahuja

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