Magdalene Rose

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The “Love Seeker & the “Love Avoidant”

“Relationships”:- have been my TEACHERS last 16yrs & the light of “education” is helping me RETURN to LOVE- our TRUEST essence!

I am grateful to every failed relationship/friendship that’s helped me Re-OPEN my heart again to LOVE!

I am grateful to every client I have worked with, for helping me serve them & facilitate to higher levels of Consciousness!

There are two unique ways when it comes to relating to inter personal relationships. Understanding which spectrum one falls into, it becomes easier to return to SELF & back to LOVE!

*Love Seeker*: – (Anxious attachment to Beloved & to Love)

– Deep “Father wounds” in their feminine & emotional pain bodies

– They feel clingy and needy, demanding and possessive

– Live in constant fear of “loosing their loved ones”

– Easily rejected & abandoned & get hurt, frustrated & angry, when their loved ones do not live up to their expectations.

– Strong attachment to getting what they want in the way they want it

– Grew up with childhood abuse or emotional neglect.

– Attempt to fill the “void” of feeling unloved, unsafe and unimportant.

– It is easier for them to give others what they need, even when it means giving up your own needs to accommodate theirs.

– This inevitably leads to resentment when their own needs are not met. Results into emotional outburst

– They often take things personally because their sense of “self” depends on being approved of and validated by their loved ones

– Love is outside of self & a strong belief that they have to EARN, CHASE & Win LOVE 7 constantly “DO” in order to RECEIVE”

– People pleasers & feel threatened in their own company

Tommorw, we explore the “Love Avoider”

Sheetal R Ahuja

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