Magdalene Rose

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The divide between Spirituality & Sexuality

Healing the SPLIT between SEX & SPIRIT!

Lets examine some MYTHS!

1. Sex is “sinful”
Sex is interwoven with Spirit. It opens us to the enchanting tapestry of ALL OF LIFE! It bridges the GAP & heals the illusion of SEPARATION. We don’t make love just with our beloved, but we RECOGNIZE the DIVINITY in them & open our being to the purity & essence of Source! – our origin!

2. Sex will take me away from Spirituality & God
Sex aligns to your GOD SELF! It brings you closely to experience AHAM BRAMHASMI or “I AM”
We return to ZERO POINT OF CREATION from which we were created. It ushers us back in Unity Consciousness

3. Abstinence will increase my spiritual powers
One needs to be judicious & ensure one isnt over indulgent or obsessed with sex.
Abstaining is SELF VICTIMIZATION & SELF SABOTAGE & in states where you are SHUTTING yourself OFF, you are cutting off your connection Source so assuming you are magnifying your spiritual powers is a far fetched idea

4. God will punish me if I have sex
What amuses me about humans is their perception of GOD! To me it feels like a High court Judge who is here to inflict pain & suffering.
God is WHO YOU ARE! HE is your living expression & your Highest Truth, HE leads you to embrace each of your facet, so believing God to impose punishment is to say you haven’t yet accessed Source!

5. Only a partner can open me sexually & bring me an orgasm
A partner can enjoy you to your degree of OPENESS! No one has the key to UNLOCK you, EXCEPT you!
A full body orgasm is attainable by SELF WORSHIP & SELF MASTERY through SELF PLEASURE which is DEEPER than masturbation as that is ONLY GENITAL based orgasm. Its like a GENITAL SNEEZE!

Full body Orgasm needs
– Awareness
– Compassion
– Superlative degree of SURRENDER
– Presence
– Activated HEART
– Awakened senses
– Connection with Spirit
– Owning your body
– Simmering in desire
– Being Playful
– Sound
– Breath
– Movement
– Elevated Consciousness

A partner ACCENTUATES your orgasmic potential but your Pleasure isnt restricted to you having a partner.
Its a CHOICE to LIBERATE yourself & be willing to MEET ALL OF YOU!
Requires your staunch ABILITY to HOLD SPACE to PROCESS EVERY emotion that presents it with NON JUDGEMENT!

Sexually ignited beings are LIVING EMBODIMENT of SOURCE energy coz they access DIVINITY through their temples – their bodies & they RECOGNISE sexual energy is the PULSING drive that DRIVES in EXISTENCE!

Sheetal R Ahuja

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