Magdalene Rose

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Tantra & Sexuality!

We are primal beings by nature; and sexuality in its primal expression a means of creating new life.
However, as humans we have the higher levels of awareness that take us beyond primal animal consciousness and we can also experience our sexuality as a deeper expression and spiritual experience.

Sacred Sexuality brings the “SACREDNESS” to sexuality in all its expressions.

Derived from Tantric philosophy; which advocates “ONENESS (non duality) consciousness; by seeing everything as an expression from the one SOURCE!

The word “TANTRA” in India is associated with

– Blackmagic
– Vashi-karan
– Sex & sex positions
– Kamasutra
– Yoni & lingam massage

Lets explore the ACTUAL meaning of Tantra:-

– Seeing the body as the temple

– ‘Tan’ to stretch + ‘Tra’ the instrument of – ‘the way of expanding ourselves’

– To ‘weave’, ‘loom’, ‘thread’ the tapestry or fabric of life

– Finding the holy in EVERYTHING

– Being FULLY present in the NOW

– Choosing with awareness

– connecting spirituality to the material body

– Path of authenticity and being accountable for our own journey.

– Consciously diving into the shadows of Relationship, Pleasure, Emotion, Nature (our Animal desires) and Sexuality

Tantra is concerned with providing us tools to discover truth for ourselves rather than promoting particular dogma or ideology. These tools consist of the whole range of spiritual practices, from ritual to formless meditation approaches.

In particular the Tantric texts prescribe the worship of goddess – the Shakti or feminine principle.

It means of uniting with the Goddess (deity), as one’s own inmost nature.

Its main method is meditation, upon YANTRA (the sacred geometry of the goddess), MANTRA (the sound of the goddess) or TANTRA (the teaching of the goddess).

When we look at sex as a spiritual practice, we view sexuality as a sacred act.
Sexuality, when explored in this light, is often an avenue for this; as the peak orgasm is seen as a glimpse of enlightenment; because during this experience we dissolve our ego, small self for just one brief moment and experience ‘moksha’, ‘nirvana’, and ‘enlightenment’.

When we harness this energy however, with the power of intention; we open up ourselves and our partner to a whole new experience.
Sexual energy is life force energy; the power behind it to create life, can also create new projects, new opportunities in alignment with your true path in life.

Sexuality is Sacred.
Sex is how we all arrived here. Yet there is so much taboo, fear and shame around it.

Which puts it into the collective shadow psyche and it comes out in all sorts of strange ways

Collectively we are in a phase of reclaiming the sacredness of our sexuality.
And reconnecting to that erotic innocence within.
Collectively we are also working through some deep fears, guilt and shame and suppression around our individual sexuality; to free it up so we can move beyond the ‘taboo’ around it.

Sheetal R Ahuja

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