A man’s capacity to hold space is directly proportional to his connection with his “inner feminine”
EMOTION IS THE SOUL SPEAKING THROUGH THE BODY. Positive emotion is indeed blissful
However many of us did not learn how to relate to intense negative emotion.
To truly be a safe space to feel BIG emotion.
Many men in general are shamed and experience shutdown.
The culture of masculinity would not allow it.
It takes years of awakening the inner feminine and relating to women to gain access to this scar tissue.
It is indeed a superpower.
To FEEL everything. To SENSE these massive energies.
They are irrational yes.
And they contain great sympathetic magic.
The power to transform and heal.
The degree to which a man has become a safe space for his own emotion is the degree to which others will feel safe in his presence.
In my experience man is ruled by Logos, and his reason is meant to relate to emotion in a healthy way, not be ruled by it.
The ancients claimed woman is ruled by Eros, and her feeling is a mighty force to invigorate and give life to thought.
Both are designed to co-exist to create synergy & harmony between the polarity!