Current times, presents us enormous pressure to dwell in uncertainty, fear, panic & stress
Your BODY is your ally that will TRANSPORT you back into the HERE & NOW moment!
Your sensual intelligence is now the NEW OPERATING SYSTEM & your SENSUAL PLEASURE is your new WAY OF BEING!!
For couples:-
– Conscious Lovemaking is highly recommended, based on Tantric practises of SUBLIMATION (moving the sexual energy from your genitals to your crown)
Eye gazing, soulful dancing, intentional touching each other, mindfulness & being fully present to your partner’s vulnerability, emotions, bliss, pain, —- whatever that unfolds at that time, it’s time to HOLD SPACE!!
Mindful lovemaking at this pivotal junction, will LIBERATE YOU both! & Will help both of you to GROUND deep into your being & in Earth!
Couples living apart:
For those whose partners aren’t with them physically now, Utilize this time to STRENGTHEN your TELEPATHIC CHANNEL & indulge in ASTRAL LOVEMAKING!
Set up a love altar, dress up the way you would with your partner, candles, aromas, incense. Energetically set your intention of what you would like to create with your intimacy such as peace, wellness, oneness, joy etc for both you & your partner!
Let music be the element that transports you to your beloved. I sometimes use drumming, as that works for me! You choose what works for you!
Make love to your partner in spirit & believe me it will feel more SURREAL than ever before! And the energies right now will fully support you!
Anchor the feeling of being held by your partner, by Earth by Universe deep into your HEART & WOMB space!!
For singles
Utilize this time in SELF PLEASURE!
For those who have yoni eggs, can use that.
I personally do not advocate sex toys or vibrators as eventually the vagina becomes insensitive & in my opinion, hands, tongue & lingam do not vibrate, so a vibrator will take you away from your actual pleasure potential
I highly recommend crystals, crystal wands for SELF PLEASURE! As it has healing properties to it too.
Breast masage, pelvic thrust, ovary breathing, breath of fire, yoni egg insertion, G spot & A spot stimulation, spinal flex,
I coach women to dive deeper into their pleasure potential, bursting the bubbles of body shame, gulit & societal conditioning!
Everytime you have an orgasm – EARTH REJOICES!
Let the sexual life force move through you & uplift your spirit!
Sheetal R Ahuja