Magdalene Rose

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We are either being taught to suppress our sexuality with moralistic outdated viewpoints or we are being taught to over-exagerate it, with an obsession on flawless genitalia, positions, coming, and the perfect performance.
For decades, sexual education has been largely limited to teaching young adults how to protect themselves against STD’s. It has also been influenced by Religion and of course, at the other extreme, Pornography.

THAT EXPLAINS THE REASON for so much confusion, fear, guilt and shame.

The religious approach focuses on covering up females to prevent males from becoming overly aroused.
The pornographic approach focuses on revealing EVERYTHING, plastic surgery often being used to attain the look of “perfection”. Both can lead to SHAME around our bodies.

The religious approach focuses on ABSTINENCE,
the pornographic approach focuses on EXCESS.
Both can lead to GULIT about our sexual encounters.

The religious approach focuses on pleasure being sinful and risky,
the pornographic approach focuses on pleasure being the only thing we are meant to experience during sex.
Both can lead to fear that what we are doing is “wrong”.

The sexual constrictions in taking the moral high ground leaves people inhibited, and often feeling that they must reject normal, healthy sexual urges including masturbation. The unnatural fake performance in porn, leaves people confused as to why they don’t look like, sound like or feel like the actors do.

In both cases we are not being taught what we need to be taught.

What about heart infused pleasure, emotional connection, self respect, boundaries, being honest about what you like and don’t like, loving your body, giving with loving presence, receiving in surrender, owning desire and embracing sexuality as the beautiful act of Creation that it is? Who is going to teach you that?

Stay tuned for “TANTRA TEACHINGS”

Sheetal R Ahuja

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