Twinflame Union occurs from the Spiritual plane into the Physical 3D plane. And its for this that the energies between the Twins need to be in complete “harmony”
If the harmony between them gets ruffled, they become 2 imbalanced magnets that have both positive & negative polarilities & both will continue the “push & pull” dance until they swing back to “Balance & Harmony” within & with each other.
Separation from your Twin is inevitable part of this journey. It’s painful, hurtful & creates an upheaval.
Let’s understand 3 aspects:-
A). Why does separation occurs?
B). What does one do in seperation phase?
C). What does separation prepares for?
A). Reasons for “separation”
– As twins, we are “ONE” divided soul in “TWO” bodies that is meant to merge in “one energetic being” Our soul contract is to heal our self, each other & shift the frequency of the Planet in alignment of 5D. If we carry 3D baggage of old wounds, beliefs, old mental conditioning we are aligning to old 3D consciousness, factually Twinflames are ambassadors of “Unity Consciousness & Unconditional Love”
The old 3D paradigm and 5D templates are two ends of the spectrum. Every Twinsoul is ogrinated from a very high vibration & energy from a soul perspective & we cannot merge into union if 3D baggage isn’t dropped. Energies get out of alignment & it pushed the two away.
– Immense “triggering” causes the Twins to drift away. In most cases, the text says that the Masculine Twin pulls away. It’s not that they aren’t ready or they dont love their counterpart enough, they just cannot handle the “intensity” as their hearts are safely shut to this ages ago. The Feminine twin on the other hand is invariably the “chaser” as she is conditioned to bury her wounds under the carpet & keeps herself diverted by chasing her Twin. She puts all her life force to get her Twin. But sadly she forgets to address her core wounds of “fear of abandonment & rejection”
– Energy between the Twins becomes too overwhelming, & intense to handle. Both get equally hurt by seeing their own reflection (unhealed wounds) through their Twin. The revelations that come about feels too much to process. Hence the energy pushes them away temporarily until both have worked on it successfully.
B). Things to do in “separation” phase
Separation isn’t a punishment, its actually “Preparation” of Union & for this to come about, we need to do the following
– Take time off & review your Life & see if any area of your Life needs amendments. How best can you enrich your Life. What could you do to make yourself & innerchild feel fullfilled? What gifts can you embrace? What contribution can you be to yourself & others? How can you possibly uncover your core wounds & address it so that it cease to prick you. For Union to come about in the outer world, we must cultivate the space for it “WITHIN”
– DO NOT blame your Twin for anything they did/say/or didn’t do/say for this was the ONLY WAY they could have you AWAKEN to your TRUTH!
– DO NOT focus on how un-awakened your Twin is!! A lot of Feminine Twins feels that they are the ones who are carrying responsibility of their Twin on their shoulders.
Correction:- THIS IS THE BIGGEST ILLUSION. YOUR TWINS HIGHER SELF IS THE ONE WHO IS TRIGGERING & PREPARING YOU FOR ASCENSION, so dismissing your counterparts contribution is like taking away their due credit.
– Be grateful to your Twin for having led you to where you are now & now from here on, herald a new phase of Transformation lies ahead!!
If your UNION hasn’t come about till now, it’s simply because both aren’t ready for it yet.. it’s incorrect to blame your Twin. Many Feminine Twins feel they are ready & their counterparts arent. This is another ILLUSION. YOUR TWIN IS YOUR MIRROR SO HE/SHE IS AS READY OR NOT
READY AS YOU!!! PERIOD!!!!!! If your ego mind judges you to be superior than your Twin, then truth be told, you are sadly away from Union.
If he is struggling to place you in his life, you must be having a corresponding belief to support it too!!! SIMPLE!!!
If you feel stuck & hopeless that nothing is moving, it only implies THERE’s INNER PURGE LEFT!!
C) What does separation serve??
– it helps us to learn the lesson of “SURRENDER” to LET GO of Control & Invite GRACE!!
– it helps us to love our Twins more fiercely than before.. more intensely than before & Unconditional Love is where our journey beautifully leads us to! It helps us recognise & understand the difficulties our Twin is experiencing placing me in his life! So it only makes us grow more compassionate ; n makes us love our Twin with open hearts!
To all the Twins out there in Separation, please know that the sooner you work on yourself, the sooner the balance begins to start setting in.
Let’s stay rooted in Unconditional Love ; and stay anchored in this knowing “that we are ONE”