Magdalene Rose

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Rising above GENITAL SHAME!

I hail from that part of the world where sex is never discussed openly & women are ASHAMED to talk about their “vagina”
Till 34, I wasn’t even aware that Masturbation is available to Women as well! I used to always wonder why my soul chose the country I am born into & today I get a sense I am to CREATE A SEXUAL REVOLUTION & spread Sexual Empowerment to Women whose Spirit is IGNITED by the same zest that DRIVES me! I would love to see/hear women discuss about PLEASURE as much as they discuss about their shopping endeavours. Coz in truth, its a MATTER OF FACT experience! We are taught to shove it under the carpet & live an INAUTHENTIC Life full of Illusions & Duality!

The most INTIMATE relationship we have is with our GENITALS. It was generously present & held space for us when we were CREATED!
Our social conditioning & training TEACHES us to DISCONNECT with our GENITALS. As if its DOOMED to darkness.
We are rigourosly hammered on DISCONNECTING with it.

DISSONANCE from your Genitals is like DIGRESSING from your TRUTH!

YOU CANNOT REACH YOUR PEAK OF SPIRITUALITY if you harbour SHAME for your Genitals. It would be the biggest HOGWASH!

Body shame is an ACQUIRED behaviour. Its not our primal instinct. This intensity of shame CUTS US OFF from our own BODY AWARENESS!
It prevents us from accessing the PRIMAL TRUTH residing in our Core!

Stay tuned for enriching, soulful & juicy practises that can amp up your day & help you connect with your own essence!

A WOMAN fully aligned with her WOMB is HOUSE ON FIRE!!! & she then becomes the container of DIVINE WISDOM!
I invite my sisterhood who feels ready to tap into their Sacred Sanctuary!

Namaste to your Womb!
Sheetal R Ahuja!

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