LET GO” is one of the strongest messages we keep hearing in our Twin Flame collectives.
What is one supposed to Let Go?? The Twin, the Union????
LET GO implies DROPPING the following:-
– Need to CONTROL things at all times. Control stems from lack of Faith & Trust in Providence to take care of the situation. One has to let go being in control & be okay with BEING LED by a Higher Intelligence
– The WAY IN WHICH desired outcome has to show up. Let Existence orchesrate its own unique way to deliver the BEST for you
– All expectations, judgements, belief system, thoughts, notions, rules, that are valid ONLY in 3D relationships. TWINFLAME LOVE is the highest & purest form of Unconditional Love so all old outdated rules of 3D will NOT APPLY for your Twin
– All past hurt, anger, sorrow, resentment, betrayal, agony, hopelessness & helplessness across all your past experiences. Forgiveness with self & others concerned will be the biggest blessing one can embrace! To soar high & transcend into 5D realm, one has to be FEATHER LIGHT with Strong willpower & high vibration that emits only love, peace & harmony that leads to Inner Alignment & Union!
– All what your Twin is doing in this reality coz all of that is merely an illusion. They are executing their assigned task of helping you become YOUR FULL EXPRESSION & LIVE YOUR TRUTH!
So dont waste time analysing their behaviour, instead everytime something hurts you, annoys you, disappoints you, just checkin with yourself “What in me is causing this? What is the resonance frequency stemming from? What do I need to release here????
– Excessive desire of UNION:- The ultimate destination for all of us is UNION! but we get so consumed and driven by our circumstances that we put our life force into attainting union with our Twin, not recognising that for Union with the Twin to come to fruition, one has to first arrive a space of INNER UNION & ALIGNMENT within. Only that will reflect out with your Twin. Focus all your attention to SELF! CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY NOW. 5D as we all know, is NOT up there, its a state of consciousness & a space anchored deep into our heart center that connects us to Source. Excessive desire of anything actually REPELS IT & CAUSES ONLY DELAY! DROP THE EXCESSIVE NEED it only shows you are indirectly craving for your Twin to bail you out of your voids which is against our soul contract.
Live the TF proxim- AS WITHIN AS WITHOUT-
– All hurt, pain, anger, frustration around Union not come around yet. We draw MORE of what is in our dominant vibration.
The journey itself is so reviting, & uncanny & full of Divine Magic that for sometime, shift your focus to whats happening with you, around you in the NOW!!
EMBRACE YOUR “HERE & NOW” coz thats the biggest gift!
Numerous times when I lost path in my trips, instead of getting cold feet, I only started looking around & checking within myself of whats unfolding in the NOW & that unlocked those treasures that I wouldnt have enjoyed otherwise!
Sending lots of Peace & Love your way!