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Sensual Self care
Sensual Self care
A Sensual Woman is “fully embodied”
She is comfortable in her body… in her sensuality, heart, emotions, mind, thoughts, Spirit, Soul. She EMBRACES ALL of herself – all the different flavors and colors that appear in and through her
She is Real. And she is ready to live an Awakened, Alive, Immense, Full-On Life!
Pause for a moment with me…
Do you recognize this Woman (Her essence; Her Energy)?
Does She sound like you?
Next, reflect:-
– Are you listening to your body in your everyday life?
– Are you honoring the messages from deep inside?
– Is there an area of your life where you do this and other areas where you do not?
This guidebook will enable you to tap into your “feminine essence” and ignite your senses!
It will nourish your feminine body, facilitating you to feel “fulfilled from within”
It contains simple, profound sensual practices for Sacred Self care!
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