Magdalene Rose

Priestess Ceremony

Priestess Ceremony Poster Revised1

Being a Priestess, facilitating “ceremonies” is a huge part of my divine service.
Ceremonies are symbolic to a ritual. It’s a divine practise done in a sacred space with specific “INTENTION”

A Ceremony therefore is creating a “new neuropath way”

It’s done to “correct/revoke/letting go” of an old, limiting belief.
Ceremonies are practised from the dawn of time from the ancient civilizations.

Attuning into my ancient wisdom that I embody & after offering it in group & individual basis I now offer it as 1 of my “signature services”

1. Revoking vows of Celibacy
2. Undoing the vows of Temple Priestess/Nun
3. Dismantling poverty consciousness
4. Restoring “devotional heart temple”
5. Renewing your soul signature (accessing soul song & activating dormant gifts)
6. Psychic protection & shielding
7. Reclaiming your power & scattered soul fragments
8. Undoing vows of loneliness & being unsupported
9. Undoing blood oaths with Ancestors (limiting patterns that lead to rejection, abandonment & betrayals)
10. Inner Sacred Union between your Inner Masculine & Feminine

These ceremonies are guided process which are facilitated by me, in conjunction with your Spirit guides & your Cosmic family.

These ceremonies are deeper than healings as they are “re-writing your future course of action” by aligning you to your “blueprint”

I also curate Ceremonies for specific intentions & help you partake in this Divine practise
Duration:- 60-75mints