Just like cycles of the moon, our bodies have its unique cycles.
The power of renewal, rebirth and resurrection is within our cycles.
By honoring this innate intelligence we show respect for our feminine energetic bodies, alongside the dark and juicy, mysterious and creative, fertile and healing power of Mother Earth.
*Week One* First day of bleeding:-
– Time to slooooow down. It is a time to find quiet and listen to your womb, intuition and inner stirrings.
– Light walking & gentle yoga recommended. Avoid heavy or arduous exercise
– Do not start anything new, this is the best time to review what you have been working on or make an assessment of how fulfilling your close relationships are.
At this time the womb is cleared away through our sacred blood and new space is made for fresh beginnings
*Week Two* (Day 8-14)
– Your womb is now preparing to receive the new and accommodate the fresh in your life.
– This is a time to set goals and intentions.
– It’s a great time to dance, play sports and engage in high energy activities.
*Week Three* (Day 15-21)
This is the week of Ovulation
– It carries the idea of conception of fresh ideas through thoughts and dreams.
– Depending on what you have achieved with your creative peak in the days after your egg was unfertilized.
– This time is great to make love, go dancing, do anything that makes you feel sensual.
This is a high time for arousal. It’s a great time to be seen and be social!
*Week Four* (Day 22-28)
Time of the Dragons!
– This is the time where the lessons of this cycle are seen and FELT!
– We are confronted with what is not working or is in the way of our evolution and goals.
– It’s the perfect time to face your fears; in this time you are ready for a death and rebirth aspect of your reality.
– This is the time to observe what you have little tolerance for, and what easily frustrates or angers you.
– Plan for activities that help you move aggression— brisk walking, kickboxing, running, swimming laps, or dancing wildly.
Honour yourself closely during your moon cycles, for it is your PORTAL for GROWTH & TRANSFORMATION!
Sheetal R Ahuja