Magdalene Rose

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Penetrated by PRESENCE!

My body has always been my mentor & has led me to it’s vastness of it’s Intelligence.
The body always guides & nudges at spaces we have been RUNNING away or AVOIDING.

A tandem tear in my left arm & all the intensity of pain that my body is experiencing last 4months made me recognise how powerful PRESENCE is towards evolution.

My physiotherapist asked me
Where exactly does it hurt? And all I used to say was “entire arm” & she made me DIVE DEEP to IDENTIFY where the pain is erupting from.

A lot of times the chaos, the stress & the anxiety we feel, we are often not aware of it’s origin & that leads to further augmentation of the pain.

My pain caused me to focus on the area where it needed my UNDIVIDED ATTENTION.
And all I had to do was offer it the compassionate loving presence.

All the time, attention & love I was seeking outside of me from others, now started flowing within the confinements of my own aching arm.
There was a day I got better, & in over excitement I did a particular movement in yoga that I led to exertion & the progress I made in two weeks, threw me off balance.

I was back to square one again.

Pain always TEACHES!

It taught me to
– to BE PRESENT to it

It gave me an opportunity to feel fully devoted to it & DROP all other responsibilities.
It made me RETHINK on my boundaries. It made me FUEL myself from Within!

If your body is hurting, paining
Take that as a brilliant opportunity to introspect

Ask the body
– what am I ready to let go of?
– what am I ready to bring in?
– how do I support myself & simply REST?

A Course in Miracles says “every difficulty & upheavel is a GIFT to me.
So I often acknowledged it & used to start my day

“This pain is a gift to me for I’m learning to care for my body in ways I hadn’t been orientated before!

Is your body communicating to you?
Are you honouring it enough?
Does it feel safe to be in your body?

My pain necessaited me to SOOTHE myself & PLEASURE myself in ways I had never thought it was even possible.
My tears felt like “Medicine for my aching soul”

Your pain contains the ANTIDOTE in it!

Are you ready to UNCOVER it??

Sheetal R Ahuja

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