We are CONDITIONED to be in our heads 24/7
We forget what it feels like to be in the body
We forget how IMPORTANT it is to be in the body.
Here’s some quick tips to immediately get back in the body:
– Make a practice to spend more time naked
– Look at your WHOLE body and the beautiful parts rather than just focusing on what you don’t like.
– Touch your heart, tune in daily
– Invest in YOU:_ nice clothes, a new hairstyle, sexy lingerie, creams and oils to make your skin feel soft
The MAIN thing is to focus on your pleasure instead of the negative thoughts about yourself
If you catch yourself in a negative thought, PAUSE. And see if you can re-write that thought into something positive
Tune into yourself & ask
Whats present here now?
How am I feeling?
How do I support myself more now?
What can I be or do that feeds me?
No analysis
No catharsis
Just “somatic checkins”
Drop ur shoulders
Tears welcome too!!
M all ears what showed up for you??