Magdalene Rose

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Love your Bush!

Pubic hair – Love your BUSH!

A topic that never gets addressed openly.

The Lilith in me is etching to convey this today

Our pubic hair is our natural BUSH/& essence of Feminine bodies.
The way we relate to it, speaks volumes in our connection to OWING OUR ESSENCE!

Our current situation has set the stage for women to RECEIVE herself at her NATURAL BEST! It forced us women to ACCEPT our bodies with the hair we so love to get rid off every month.

Self ACCEPTANCE is way deeper than Self Love!

Self love is dipping your feet in the swimming pool
& Self ACCEPTANCE is surfing the tides in the ocean!

How many of us were taught to accept our breast size, shape & yoni structure as little girls?

How many of us were shown ways to explore our body & treat it with reverence?

How many of us were encouraged to self pleasure?

How many of us were trained to ACCEPT our pubic hair with grace?

We follow a MANUAL of instructions & every month indulge in doing this just because IT IS THE NORM!


Can I change it??

Big YES!!

Is our worth dependant on our vital stats?
Is our capacity to receive love from men, based on our breast size?
Is public hair waxing mandatory for sex?

What if YOU embrace
– your vagina & your pubic hair & ask her instead “what does she want?


And listen from our Yoni??

What would open up for you?

– your partner reflecting this self ACCEPTANCE right back to u
– higher level of vitality
– orgasmic joy of being in the body!

For me, an EMBODIED Woman is SEXY as she has OCCUPIED SPACE in her body & comfortable in her SKIN!

– When we can walk freely & bleed on Earth during our Moon cycle
– When we can offer more DEVOTION to the Womb Goddess within
– When we can LOVE our BUSH FIERCELY –

I’l assume New Earth has ARRIVED!!

Love your BUSH!!

Sheetal R Ahuja

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