Magdalene Rose

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Are we able to fully commit to someone else without first being fully committed to ourselves?

Welcome to the inner marriage!
Where the outer relationship is a reflection of the inner.

Do we need to marry ourselves before marrying another?

If we want an equal relationship where the masculine and feminine in both partners is honoured, heard and loved – ABSOLUTELY.

If we are truly married in our own hearts, then we can know what that looks and feels like.

It’s easier to create something externally once you’ve embodied it yourself internally.

So if your ‘outer marriage’ or outer relationship is in chaos, lacks passion and meaning, or is constantly a source of dissatisfaction, perhaps it is time to consider some self-reflection?

– How is your relationship with your own feminine?
– With your own masculine?

And how is the relationship between them?

– Do they treat each other with respect, love, support and kindness?

– Are they present with each other’s needs?

– Do they hear eachothers needs and create safety for one another?

– Or do they shut each other out? Judge each other?

– Forget about one another?

The Masculine’s primary search is to be FREE (spaciousness).

The Feminine’s primary search is for LOVE (connection)

Next blog on “Masculine Purpose & Feminine Longing”

Stay tuned!

Sheetal R Ahuja

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