Magdalene Rose

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I am “IT”


This wisdom is flowing in my veins from the sacred Ganges!

There was a point in my life until very recently I used to crave, desire, long, chase, pray & hope for various wishes to come true!
It’s perfectly healthy to have desires though.

What I’m given to understand now is,


I am the abundance I was looking for!
I am the Home, I was seeking
I am the energy of Partnership I was longing
I am the essence of Support that I kept looking for outside of me!

Rishikesh & Ajmer/Pushkar for me were ASCENSION ON STEROIDS!
– staying in a haunted place
– father’s poor health
– disappointed by the only friend I was left with
– ambiguity in my future months
– Technical snag in my brand TM process
– Feeling fully lost & direction less

This is how I felt & I began questioning Existence on
– Am I never met EQUALLY in friendship or relationship?
– Do I feel so defeated despite doing all I possibly can
– I still get disappointed by my loved ones

And the Ganges whispered

“You are still SEEKING OUTSIDE of you.
Drop this battle & ALIGN”

Everytime I touched Ganga, I allowed HER to wash away not my sins but my inability to embrace myself fully unconditionally!!

I forgived myself for KEEPING MYSELF CAPTIVE in the name of holding space for my loved ones!
I released all expectations from my loved ones coz that was dipped in LACK

I simply started ALIGNING with what Life has for me in the NOW moment!

As soon as I did that, the random strangers I met, UPLIFTED me & CREATED an energy for me to feel I am ENOUGH for myself!!

As soon as I released my disappointments, I paved path for me to RECEIVE all that I wanted from unexpected sources!

I crossed paths with a starseed, another divine feminine who felt like a God sent answer to my prayer at that difficult junction.

The Ganges led me to
BECOME THE FLOW!! And SHE was very clear that
I am all I always ever wanted!!

It’s been two rewarding months & this feeling is still syncing & becoming my new DEFAULT SETTING!!

I can’t bring myself to wish people Diwali greetings the way I used to!
Instead I remind them that they are the energy of ABUNDANCE that’s EVER PRESENT in them!!

My heart feels lighter
My spirit uplifted
My mind getting BLANK

Whatever that I wish today, I feel I AM EMBODYING that very essence in myself.
I no longer even need a validation to endorse that!

I hated India & Bombay, for as old as I am simply coz of countless bad experiences here
But London in conjunction with the Ganges has REWRITTEN my script & has made me CHOOSE a new reality!

I now LOVE my country like never before
I now feel HOME in Bombay as much as bird feels in his nest!

Wherever my energy will FLOW will now FLOW from this cup of WHOLENESS & INTEGRATION!

To my,
Ganga & Thames

I repeat the three magical words

I am IT!!

Sheetal R Ahuja

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