Magdalene Rose

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Hieros Gamos!!

Divine Masculine & Sacred Feminine!

Many women believe the masculine is “outside” themselves, the inner masculine and feminine is in all women and men.

This inner masculine (in women) has been tattered when they got hurt, let down, unsupported and mistrustful of men.

Hence women show up in the world is based on some of the following:

• Domineering
• Controlling
• Pushy
• Overworking
• Taxed
• Over stressed
• Bossy
• Competitive
• Aggressive
• Superiority
• Bashing
• Emasculating
• Critical
• Judgemental
• Disconnected from her mission.

A woman without healthy masculine energy will depend on another, especially her partner, for safety.

A man without healthy feminine energy will depend on another, especially his partner, for radiance, sensuality & nurture.

When we are looking to another to complete us & fulfil our ‘missing pieces’ we enter a co-dependent dynamic where we feel afraid, insecure, disappointed or emotionally distressed when the person we are depending on doesn’t meet our expectations, isn’t there or doesn’t behave the way we want them to.

One way of breaking out co-dependent dynamics is to cultivate *healthy masculine and feminine qualities within* whether we are in a male or female body.

Tantra is about INNER ALIGNMENT! It invites us to unite these energies, our Inner Union, so we stand in the world as a whole being and end the search for someone or something to complete us.

It is from this place that we can experience Sacred Union with our beloved, where we understand that our external relationship always mirrors our internal relationship and we can therefore move through challenges with more self-awareness and self-responsibility

Sheetal R Ahuja

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