Magdalene Rose

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Few days ago I had an outbreak on my arm & armpits. It felt like a snake bite & was acutely painful to say the least.
Considering I practise mindfulness it was easy for me to understand it’s an emotion expressing & that organ needs more attention

We have various emotions lodged at various organs. One of the organ I had deeply disconnected & ashamed was my armpits & this very organ had swollen & it looked even more ugly & causing me enomorous pain

I sat in front of the mirror with an intention to MEET MY ARMPIT & RECEIVE what’s it’s truly to COMMUNICATE to me. I used to alarm time 7mints daily & just notice it & touch it with loving PRESENCE. Initial few days I couldn’t see it at a stretch & then slowly I increased the time to 15mints twice a day in front of the mirror.

I began kissing it, NUTURING it, accepting it for what it is.
I didn’t do this exercise to heal it at all.
I even accepted this swelling might remain for life & made PEACE with it & told my armpit I can still love it HOWEVER it would look like.

A whirlpool of emotions surfaced & it’s been a ride for me to navigate through it.
My doc was expected to be a serious skin aliment but deep down I was sure its come up for my loving presence & attention & Love!

I started chanting & meditating in the pain, in the discomfort, in the sting. I apologized for all those times I looked down on it & hated it!

I relived how my beloved loves & worships every iota of my temple – my body & I got inspired to love myself exactly in that capacity & become my own LOVER!

Your body isn’t just meant to be revered by your beloved, its primary worshipper is YOU!
When we become our own LOVER, the body BLOSSOMS!

My skin healed in remarkable time coz I released the stuck emotion it was carrying for years. And my recovery was less than what medical science would preempt

Your body is a miracle maker
Your body has an inbuilt capacity to heal
Your body knows HOW to heal
Your body has an intelligence way more sharper than your logical mind

It only needs your
Unconditional support

Rest is auto pilot

Your miracle maker is always ready to SUPRISE you!

I love my temple to another level for its proved yet again, how much it loves me to inhabit it!

Do you love your temple?
Does it feel safe to inhabit your body?
Do you truly unconditionally accept your altar?

Food for thought!

Sheetal R Ahuja

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