Magdalene Rose

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Feel your “Feels”

Feel your “FEELS”

As human beings we have the great opportunity to consciously feel into our bodies. It’s wonderful because it gives us the opportunity to express ourselves and share our experiences with others.

These feelings can be quite intense and hard to integrate or acknowledge, which is the reason why we tend to suppress them, conditioned by the idea that we have to be ‘strong’ and control everything.

The flow of emotions we feel every day is vast and sometimes difficult to manage. To understand our feelings we need to acknowledge their presence in order to process and become aware of how to deal with them. Like clouds in the sky, they will always be changing. You may feel happy and joyful (white cloud), then experience some frustration (grey clouds) and end with anger or sadness (dark clouds).

When we try to suppress these emotions it’s usually from a place of fear. We are scared of them because of old conditionings telling us many wrong ideas, such as

‘we are not supposed to show weakness or cry’,

‘we have to be strong in difficult situations’,

‘we shouldn’t feel this way – we must be happy all the time’.

We try to avoid the pain and therefore we stop ourselves from truly, deeply feeling. This behaviour creates intense and long-lasting blockages, storing unconscious tensions in our body and ultimately affecting our nervous system.

Our main prerogative then, is to learn how to release our emotions. Giving them the opportunity to stir within, be channeled by our energy centres and express themselves naturally. This empowers us as we become able to master our energies. You will begin to feel lighter, and happier, even when unpleasant emotions arise, because you can observe them with an impartiality.

Being able to observe them and being totally impartial gives us the potential to release our feelings without clinging to them.

As we move deeper inward we can also let go of our shadows which are begging to be released (I use the word ‘shadows’ to refer to the aspects of ourselves that we are blind to and have been buried by us in an attempt to deal with traumas or negative experiences).

This way we allow ourselves to face who we truly are and to shine in the best possible way. Don’t give your emotions the control of your being, don’t let them threaten your experience of life with despair

Sheetal R Ahuja

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