Magdalene Rose

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Devotion to the BODY!

Daily practise

My life changed RECOGNISING that the Body has its own unique Intelligence & when I “TUNE INTO” it, I FLOW & Feed myself & BIRTH whatever I am meant to, at that given time. I have struggled massively to shift from constantly being in my head space to my heart & womb space & simply just BREATHE, LET GO, FLOW & MOVE!

When I catch myself into my head space & efforting & struggling & striving, I lovingly bring myself to my CORE!

I am a huge fan of EMBODIMENT practises, it’s for this I enrolled in dance class 7days a week coz “TO FLOW IS TO SET MY SPRIT FREE!

Combining Tibetian yoga, Tantra, Somatic dance movements, Kundalini breath work & Sensual body work practises, I am sharing one of my favorite tool that is a great way to begin your day!
Learnt this in Bali from my Tantra teacher 3yrs ago & it’s changed my Life!

Later this year, I will put up all these juicy practises & create an audio-video ware around this but for now, here it is!

Preferably do this in your garden barefeet or home where you can see either the sky or something in Nature

1. Stand upright, feet planted firmly in ground. Begin with a prayer to yourself that you are dedicating 20mints to yourself & it is a PRAYER to yourself!
Inhale & expand your chest out, opening your heart facing the sky, feeling held by the Father Sky. Exhale curl into, bring your hands in & face to neck. Do this 9 times

2. Anchor the energy into your HEART & say loving words to your heart & wait til it responds & expands

3. Move the energy from heart to your pelvis. Massage your pelvis & smile into your pelvis & say loving words to it

4. Move your hips clockwise & anti clockwise as figure 8

5. Massage your breast (cupping your breast & move it anti n clockwise) do some breast lifts, draw an infinity 8 around both breast & bring your hands at the center of your chest & BREATHE

6. Draw golden light energy from the Earth gesturing as if you RECEIVING energy & let it travel from your foot til your head & flick it to your backside too & feel it run into your back & envelope every cell of your body!

7. Bring revitalizing energy into your Kidney & Ovary & fill it fill them completely & brush your hands gently on them as if you are simmering into the divine light

8. Spread your hands out horizontally as if you are ready to receive everything Universe is showering you this moment & bring it to your heart & let it anchor into your heart!

9. Bow down to Earth in reverence & Gratitude for every blessing & gifts she has bestowed upon you until now!

10. Connect with your heart & womb, scan your body & see if there’s any stuck energy that’s ready to MOVE, & simply MOVE YOUR FULL body as you shivering, trembling, & moving every ounce in your body & offer it to Mother Earth!

Bow down to yourself & intend saying
Dear Universal Light, whom would you like me to share my Light with today? How would you have me spend my day??
Light is my Guide!

From my Rose heart to yours!
Sheetal R Ahuja

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