If your period is late it is likely that your hormone progesterone is low. There may also be tension in your body and unprocessed emotions.
Here are a few things that will help:-
– Taking a bath with epsom salt.
– Increasing the intake of magnesium (magnesium oil is better than pills).
– Increasing intake of protein and fat (animal products, oils, avocado, eggs and nuts. Vegan or vegetarian diet might not be a match for your body if your periods tend to be late.
– Drinking sage infusion.
– Doing yoni steam
– Using sage essential oil on your womb, feet, hands and heart.
– Stop running around. Slow down.
– Don’t do intense work out.
– Practice yin yoga.
– Progesterone hormone naturally makes us slow down and become very yin. That’s the wisdom of this part of your cycle. If you are going against it your body won’t be able to produce enough of it to trigger the period