Magdalene Rose

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It’s the most POTENT & deeply fullfilling form of Orgasm! It’s one of my personal favourite!
How often are we told to look our best & be guarded at all times & constantly DELIVER to our partners, family, friends etc!
Have you ever allowed yourself:-
 to deeply surrender to your – emotions when your beloved enters your sacred space? Aka your yoni!- to feel every wave of emotions that arise in spaces of Sacred Lovemaking- to acutely DESCEND in your feminine depth & effortlessly SURRENDER in the NOW moment
The first time I experienced this I felt so weird. My logical mind couldn’t comprehend my tears, whereas my soul was rejoicing! 
It’s only when I started connecting to myself deeply, I recognised I had BURIED an ocean within my being, that was un-expressed & un-heard & when I gave it a DOORWAY, it erupted as a good soulful “cry” 
Sometimes these tears could denote- expression- purging – collapsing viels- esctasy- fullfillment – deep seated vulnerabilities
I used to associate “tears” as WEAKNESS, until my Womb Goddess displayed another dimension of what BLISS could feel like in flesh & bones! 
Do you judge your tears? 
I used to! 
Do you criticize or feel ashamed? 
I used to! 
Do you have the COURAGE to RECEIVE your BURIED SUPPRESSED Whirlpool of feelings & sensations??! 
I did!!
And what followed next??? 
Mastering the strength to SHARE it with Divine Feminine who are READY for this METAMORPHOSIS! 
Your tears are precious! Just as you are!! 
You are enough! You are COMPLETEYou are BEAUTIFUL 

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