The crux of my spiritual journey is about STEP OUT of my HEAD space & DROPPING into my HEART space!
Being extremely analytical, & scientific in my head, I was navigating from my head space.
Disconnected from my heart wisdom, & having a heart wall, I was light years away from my innate HEART WISDOM!
We live in a patriarchy that trains us to be analytical, rationale, intellectual… in other words, we are taught to live in our masculine.
3 ways to connect with FEMININE ENERGY!
Practise A:-
A lot of my Osho meditation camps led me to this practice. Find a private place you can be alone and set a timer for 10 minutes. Then, turn on your favorite song and move. Move however your body wants to express yourself. Choose music you love: Do you like intense, fast songs you can swing around wildly to? Do you enjoy slow, soft songs that you can sway gently with? Do you like to shake your hips or wiggle your shoulders? If you feel self-conscious, it’s okay, keep going! Put your attention on your breath and your body and move until the timer ends. Repeat daily.
Practise B:-
Sensual Eating:-
My stay in BALI opened up this for me. Being a non-foodie, I was led to “sensual eating”
Every meal is a sensual act. Eating can be a chance to slow down, reconnect with your body, and feel. You will engage all five senses here. Do this for at least one meal a day.
During your next meal: Set aside all distractions – no phone, no book, no working. Look at your food – notice the way your body is responding to it. Are you excited to eat it? A little repulsed? Nothing to do or change – just notice.
Give thanks for the people who farmed, grew, transported, cooked, and prepared your food. Through eating, you’re connecting with the fruits of their labor. Smell your food. Do you like the way it smells? Can you detect different aromas in it? Touch your food. If you can, eat with your hands. Notice the texture of how it feels – rough and leafy? Smooth and creamy? Cold? Hot? Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
By doing this practice, you’re literally reprogramming yourself to have a more intimate relationship with your body, food, and appetite. This can radically change the way you look at dieting and weight.
Practise 3
Find a private place and set a timer for 15 minutes
Take a deep breath and soften your body. Notice what sensations you feel. For example, can you feel your butt on the cushion? Or your feet on the ground? Maybe the breeze across your cheeks? Then touch your body, starting with your feet and calves.
Massage or softly tough them. Notice where you feel pleasure, enjoyment, a sensation you like. Feel what it feels like.
We’ve been taught since we’re little that pleasure is shameful, and this practice is deliberately unlearning that conditioning.
Continue breathing and exploring. Just keep the focus on pleasure rather than a goal or outcome (like climax). Continue touching your body and finding pleasure until the timer goes off.
Then complete your pleasure finding practice.
Journal a few sentences about new pleasure spots you found or types of touch you enjoyed today.
Sheetal R Ahuja