Twin Flames
“Silence” decoded! Interpretations in 3D & 5D realms!
“Silence” has enormous value & meaning both in 3D & in 5D. The rules & interpretations that govern in 3D here does NOT hold for Twinflames as TF’s exist on both planes so much as they appear on 3D, the connection stems from 5D- a space of “unity consciousness & Unconditinal Love” Silence in 3D
“Silence” decoded! Interpretations in 3D & 5D realms! Read More »
Signs of being a “Twin-Soul”
– Reservouir of unconditional love– Awareness that this is the “last incarnation”– Benevolence personified– Forgives self & others easily– Empathy & Compassion for self & others– High degrees of Patience & Tolerance– Believer of “Letting GO”– Loves “decluttering” spaces & memories from heart/mind– Hugely into voluntary acts of charity/donation/social services– Immensely gifted in creative arenas
“Separation” = “Preparation”
Twinflame Union occurs from the Spiritual plane into the Physical 3D plane. And its for this that the energies between the Twins need to be in complete “harmony”If the harmony between them gets ruffled, they become 2 imbalanced magnets that have both positive & negative polarilities & both will continue the “push & pull” dance
EMPTY your Cup!!!
Coming back “HOME” to self entails being TRUE to self & facing everything that comes along “IN THE EYE”Common mistakes we do is ignore the pain, abort the pain, put it under the carpet Or worst still, numb it with alcohol/drugs or random sex as its too overwhelming to deal with it.What we don’t realise is
Point of “Focus”
We all know the Universal Law that “energy grows where attention goes”We are amply clear on what we aspire & leave no stone unturned to strive for it.Despite being “crystal clear” about our goals, there are times we do not end up materialising it. That is simply because the “point of focus” is from the
“FEELING” Love v/s “BEING” Love
Valentine’s Day! On Planet Earth, people celebrate today as the “day of love” a day to express your love to your beloved. Mandatory inclusions for the day are red roses, candle lit dinner, drive, passionate sex & most important, “GIFTS”I have no qualms for this day but considering only 1 day as a hallmark to
Are you READY to FACE your MIRROR???
Often times my clients & Twin Flame Collectives say the following:- – I am ready for Union, but my Twin is NOT– My Twin doesnt love himself/herself– My Twin shut his/her heart & too afraid to Love again– My Twin isnt paying attention to me & makes no effort to spend time with me– My
YOU Fill in the Blank!!!
In 3D paradigm sadly the conditioning is that your partner “fills your voids & completes you” coming from this background after encountering numerous “soulmates” you bump into Life aka- your Twinflame & Life is never the same!!!There isn’t a Manual that teaches you to tread the path but there surely something more dependable compass by
Don’t BLAME your Twin!
Its sad to see few things that is going around in the Twinflame Collectives lately. Please note I am NOT judging anyone for it, I am merely voicing my perspective – DF’s running down/criticising their Twins in public:- Yes I understand how painful & difficult our journey gets at times, but understand that “your Twin