Magdalene Rose

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From childhood, women are trained to “PLEASURE THEIR PARTNERS” hence there is paramount importance on the body but sadly in the wrong sense.
A woman is given a MANUAL that she has to ADHERE to
– on how perfectly round her breast has to
– hourglass figure to the T

In all of this, her body becomes a MEANS to an end. The ultimate objective is SATISFYING THE other!

Therefore she looses TOUCH with her own TEMPLE, – her divinely perfect body!

When I meet women (clients, colleagues, friends, relatives, Indian co-travellers) I often hear them obsess about
– how busty they are
– how disappointed they are with their cup size

So far I have only 6 women I met, who are ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED with their body, their breast – AS IS! It isn’t PERFECT, but they love them PERFECTLY!!

So what happens if
– your breast are too large
– your breast are too tiny

Regret to be a woman?
Fear of loosing him?
Conclusion that he will stray?

Today I invite to do this for the next 21days

Touch your breast, see them for what it is & declare to them
“I LOVE YOU & ACCEPT YOU FOR YOU ARE MY SOVERIEGN HEART! I RELEASE all judgements, point of views, criticism, bodyshame, that has been inflicted on you by me & others. I now infuse my breast with ACCEPTANCE, PRIDE & BELONGINGNESS!

This is a peripheral approach only to ORIENT you with your breast & break the ice! There is lots more to unravel. For now, BEFRIEND YOUR BREAST!

Sheetal R Ahuja

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