Magdalene Rose

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Are you loving “ALL of YOU”?

We all have ONE area where we have AGREED, before incarnation, to get AFFECTED through which we EVOLVE & ASCEND!

For me I clearly have chosen “relationships” a way for my GROWTH & UNCOVER my TRUE SELF! I am even amazed I am alive & sane today after a series of upheavals. I was attracting men who represented only one side of me. Usually a shadow side I hadn’t integrated. They became a mirror for how suppressed my emotions were.

If you try to hold back any part of the real you in an attempt to be more desirable, *you will only attract someone who mirrors the places within that hold insecurity*

I don’t believe you have to have every single thing in common with someone in order to have compatibility.

But shared values and vision is crucial.

Those things are identified through your full self-expression.

What was missing with all past men, was giving myself permission to be me in all ways.


Fun loving.




And everything in between.

When I’ve felt like some part of me was bad/wrong/unlovable, I’ve shoved that piece of my personality down.

Telling myself I’d be more apt to find love if I was more or less of something

Only through fully accepting myself, did I create space for someone who accepts all of me to come in.

Self-acceptance is an ongoing process!

But if you’ve found yourself attracting men who aren’t a fit, this may be a piece of it.

Is there any side of you begging to be more fully expressed?

This could be your emotional side, your playful side, your ambitious side.

It all deserves a seat at the table.

All of you deserves to be loved.



Sheetal R Ahuja

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