Magdalene Rose

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Amrita:- Female Ejaculation!

Amrita literally means “nectar of the Gods & granting those who drink it immortality”. It is one of the ultimate superfood elixirs that exist.
Amrita is activated when a woman’s g-spot is stimulated & is a pure clear liquid that floods out the urethra. No it is not urine.

Many women hold back from their Amrita flow because of fear of “letting go” & yes it takes just this attitude of surrender to fully unleash the nectar.
For AMRITA to flow feely a woman must:-
– Feel extremely safe
– trust & feel held by her partner, in order to fully let go & surrender.
– Be willing to SURRENDER! It is the ultimate act of feminine surrender to the masculine power & it takes your connection to even deeper levels.

What normally blocks the flow of amrita is

– weak pelvic floor muscles (you need a lot of push power to excrete the fluid),
– trauma release
– transmuting mistrust around masculine or simply not feeling met by a strong masculine energy (which requires you to actually drop into your full feminine).

I am envisioning a day where women OPEN discuss

– ORGASMS like Ornaments
– AMRITA like shopping
– G Spots like a movie discussion

The new template of DIVINE FEMININE is RESEURECTING, are you ready to be ONE?

Sheetal R Ahuja

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