2019 has been a phenomenal year with regards to SHADOW WORK!
We are accustomed to seeing us in a given role/character/light/personality & going beyond that sometimes is very SCARY!
From my Egypt visit in 2017, I was shown “abandoned parts” of my soul lying as fragments. I did heal all of it but my mind wasnt willing to ACCEPT who I was in all the flashes I saw! Its only now in 2019, I finally made PEACE with ALL of ME, DROPPING ALL JUDGEMENTS & ALIGNING to my AUTHENTICITY!
The current life persona, professional demeanour REJECTS all parts pertaining from different lifetimes & dimensions that are actually WAITING for you to CLAIM it!
You could be a
– Witch
– Prostitute
– Dragon
– Thief
– Monster
– Priest
– Priestess
– Wizard
And so on.. & you dont have to essay that role in your current reality.
But if they are showing up in your space in some form & shape, know that its time to CLAIM IT
For there could be a :-
– hidden gift
– blessing
– reward
Waiting for you to CLAIM IT!
I RESISTED for two years & caused a lot of unwanted drama & chaos, & when I finally ACCEPTED ALL FACETS of me, even though the mind wasnt feeling comfortable, I simply DROPPED JUDGEMENTS of it & ALTERED the way I perceived it!
From then on, I felt
– greater degree of calm
– alignment with Universe
– Union within
– Oneness with myself & my beloved!
Are you accepting ALL of you for you?
Are you willing to INTEGRATE your disowned self?
We have a window of 25 days before this glorious decade, draws to its curtain.
Its a massive oppurtunity for us to
Accept our true power
Bring in ourselves IN TOTALITY
Live our truth
Breathe in our Authenticity!
Acceptance contains that TRUTH that will set your FREE!
Freedom for you & me!
Sheetal R Ahuja