This wild, beautiful vessel is yours. You live here. You occupy this space.
You get to feel and sense and emote and experience. You have a right to reclaim this space.
What if you looked at your body like a beautiful house that was built specifically for YOU?
And then, you met different people, and you let them take up space there.
And you experienced different traumatic events, and you let them take up space there.
And suddenly, you realize that you’re not even occupying your space anymore. That you’ve basically rented it out to super tenants who aren’t paying on time or respecting the magic of this earthen home.
Take it back, love, take it back.
It is yours to begin with.
Fill it up with all of your energy.
Douse it with all of your sexuality.
Work it with all the freedom
Guard it with all the sacred discernment,
Heal it with nature and nurturance and movement.
Allow it to surrender to the penetration of life and energy.
It’s yours to take up space within.
The more you inhabit your sacred vessel, the more you can stand strong in this chaotic world as “Embodied” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀