Magdalene Rose

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Conscious Breathwork!

Conscious Breathing!

This is what this looks & feels for me!

Within moments of beginning my Breathwork practice:-

  • I feel all the tightness and tension lodged in my belly- the creative cauldron of my sacral chakra
  • I inhale into the crunchiness and constriction in my heart, and realize that before this I was not *actually* breathing.
  • I wasn’t connected to my heart or my belly and now it’s apparent how much desires to be felt, opened, softened, liberated.
  • My ego tells me to stop. But I keep going deeper!
  • Breathing in this way, my left-brain thinking-logical-linear-planning mind relaxes, and a new state of consciousness begins to emerge….one that is inward, intuitive, creative, expansive, mystical.
  • I enter a wide-open canvas of present moment awareness, connected to all multi-dimensional potentials of experience.
  • Sometimes the expression that naturally emerges as I breathe deeper into the body is primal- wild moans, hips moving, fire igniting.
  • Sometimes I feel my inner child begin to whimper and cry through me, regressing to feel unprocessed pain from the past.
  • Sometimes it’s just beautifully messy and goes something like AHHHHHHHHH. AGHHHHHGHHHHH!!!!!! Ahhhhhh. Ah. Mmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmmm!!! *uncontrollable giggling and heart-love explosion ensues*!
  • Breathing until I remember I am made of love.
  • That I have never been separate from God!
  • That my sacred body is a powerful, sensual vessel of creation!

    Whatever the experience, in the many layers and textures of energy, consciousness and emotion, this breath, this pulsing life-force, this pure love moving through my body, sets me free.

    A freedom birthed from the willingness to feel and alchemize pockets of pain, repressed emotions, unconscious shadow material stored in the body

    From the devotion to receiving more Divine light into this human form!

    From the commitment to feeling how soft and juicy and open my heart can be and the depth of love I am designed to feel!

    This is my medicine. Remembering this breath of love. Remembering that inhabiting this human body, I am made of infinity.

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