Magdalene Rose

download 20210103 201357

Conscious Bleeding!

         Conscious Bleeding!

Women are not meant to be constantly in Yang, it actually dries up our ovaries.

We are cyclical, our hormones fluctuate.

We must listen to nature as it intended. Our menstrual cycle is a blueprint.

  • This is the time when, as women, we are the MOST Yin energetically.
  • This is the time our hormones are at their lowest, when our energy – field is 10 times what it normally is, when our senses are incredibly heightened.
  • SLOW DOWN & to simply BE.
  • Every month, for 2 days retreat into your Yin world.
  • switch off phone & sleep a lot & meditate
  • open yourself to receive, from Source.
  • We are so receptive during this time being so Yin, & to make the most of this it is the best time to meditate & deeply listen to what insights are coming through for the month ahead (creative ideas, visions, etc)..
  • then when it comes to ovulation time, we ACTION (this is when we are most yang in energy). This is living in alignment with your feminine FLOW.

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