Magdalene Rose

download 20210103 201401

Conscious Love making!

Conscious Lovemaking is BEYOND the typical “genital gratification”

It entails “SPACE HOLDING”

To what depth can you hold your partner?

Emotionally? Energetically? Sexually?

Can you hold them in their power and sovereignty?

Do they feel safe enough with you to cry in your arms?

Do they feel safe enough with you to open their heart in lovemaking?

Do they feel safe enough with you to enter the magically profound realms of orgasm?

Do you feel confident enough to go there?

Do they trust you?

Do you trust yourself?

Try this (one of my fav)

One hand over your partner’s heart, and a second hand over their lower belly & upper pubic region. (These are power centers in yogic, tantric and Taoist) and you can feel their power

If you’re holding them, you are not “doing” anything to their body. You’re not sending or giving any energy. You’re simply holding them and creating space for them to have their own experience.

Tune into their breath. Support them AND do so from a place of not needing anything from them. Treat it as a practice

If you are the person being held, breathe deeply, slowly and with intention.

Breathe into your partner’s hands. Use them as reference points of your power center, and remember that they are only reference points.

Pay attention to all of the sensations in your body.

See what happens.!!!!

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