Magdalene Rose

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“FEELING” Love v/s “BEING” Love

Valentine’s Day! On Planet Earth, people celebrate today as the “day of love” a day to express your love to your beloved. Mandatory inclusions for the day are red roses, candle lit dinner, drive, passionate sex & most important, “GIFTS”
I have no qualms for this day but considering only 1 day as a hallmark to articulate LOVE, seems too insufficient for me! I have never resonnated with this day as the energy of this day is full of “obligations, expectations & rules”

Love needs NO SPECIAL day for expression.
Love need not even be in poetry & greeting card.. It beyond gifts, its beyond promises & beyond expectations.
Unconditional Love teaches us to simply embrace ourself the way we are in the NOW!

For Twins who are in separation, you need not feel disheartened. For your beloved can sense you no matter he/she is geographically.
We have had numerous experiences with Soulmates & Karamic partners so its easier to tread on that path as its familiar. But WE HAVE ONLY ONE TWINFLAME so we have NO PRIOR EXPERTISE to deal with issues that crop up on our Twinflame path!
In all other relationships, you have “felt” Love & hence thats translated into your expression. But with your Twin, its not enough to “feel” the love, it infact goes beyond all old templates of 3D relationships. One is supoosed to EMBODY Love in order to do fuol justice to your role.
You might seem to find “the missing piece” that was a void in all your other relationships.
For ex:- You may have NOT EXISTED 100% in that relatonship & may have partaked in fullfilling your duties & responsibilities.

To all my Twinflame Collectives, we must have asked, seeked, prayed or felt something lacking earlier. We must have envisioned something more magnanimous than what we were involved in. Its no wonder, you attracted your Twin owing to your Soul’s urge to find something more meaningful & soulful!

When I looked at couples on Valentine’s Day I used to wish them paramount happiness, but I knew I wanted more than roses, a ring or just good sex. I wanted someone to “fuel my soul” & set my spirit on fire.. a zeal to reach out to myself in my full authenticity.

Unconditional Love is beyond Valentine’s Day! It surpasses all parameters that are applicable to 3D reality.

Here’s what you could do if your heart concurs to it
– Hold space for your Twin in a very special way
– Recall the good memories you’l have co-created
– Mentally & Energetically thank your Twin for fullflling you in so many varied ways!
– Send out lots of Love & Light to your Twin. Your counterpart is on his/her Ascension, send them your energetic contribution
– Stay connected to that knowing that no matter what is surfacing on your 3D reality, you & your Twin are ONE
– Shower yourself with infinite Love today & pamper yourself like never before.
– Work on your frequencies & upscale yourself. Pick up yourself and simply RISE!
– Forgive yourself & your Twin & anyone else who has hurt you. Simply say my favourite Ho’oponopono Tool– “I LET GO, I LET GOD” & open your heart space to RECEIVE MORE!!

Sending out ripples of Love & Blessings to every being on this Planet


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