Often times my clients & Twin Flame Collectives say the following:-
– I am ready for Union, but my Twin is NOT
– My Twin doesnt love himself/herself
– My Twin shut his/her heart & too afraid to Love again
– My Twin isnt paying attention to me & makes no effort to spend time with me
– My Twin doesnt value me
We all know the Universal fact that a Twin is your TRUEST MIRROR! He/she is literally reflecting everything everything that is projected to him/her.
The biggest hitch for a Twin-soul is to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY & TAKING CHARGE.
By referring to “taking charge” its implied, taking onus of oneself. Walking on Twinflame path entails ONLY & ONLY RETURNING TO YOUR SELF! IT DOESN’T NEED YOU TO CORRECT YOUR TWIN. If you continue to see your Twin as he/she is the one who needs help, or healing or action, then sadly you have missed the plot.
In 3D relationships with Soul-Mates- one has the liberty to sit back & point fingers at their partners for things done & not done. But in TF path, we CANNOT AFFORD to live in an illusion that your Twin needs healing. It’s NOT him/her, its only about YOU!
Again its not to get into the wrongness of you but it’s only to show you what within you needs to be addressed.
– If your Twin doesnt devote time to you, Check how much quality time do u create for yourself?
– If your Twin seems low & conflicted, Check what within you needs clarity
– If your Twin is averse to Love, check where have shut your SELF up soo fiercely that are afraid to Love again?
It’s pretty easy to sit back with a popcorn in hand & blame your Twin, & it takes SHEER COMMITMENT TOWARDS YOUR SELF GROWTH to do the INNER JOB & INTROSPECTION!
Twinflames take over mutual responsibility to show each other their deepest scars/wounds that need to be addressed as this keeps them out of alignment.
You don’t need the Mirror literally, you can see REVIEW YOUR LIFE IN YOUR Twin’s eyes. and despite all of this all you will ever see in your Twin’s eyes is —- Unconditional Love, Compassion & Empathy & an unsaid promise to be there as catalyst for each other till Eternity.
Pay need to what your Twin says/does for you. It contains everything that is going on in your inner world.
We have chosen this path for a Divine reason.
Let’s take pride towards how far we have come & lets continue to hold that heart space for each other until we RETURN HOME TOGETHER!!
Love, Light Blessings to every Twinsoul & every being on this planet!