Magdalene Rose

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Sizzling in “Sensuality”

What does “sensuality” truly mean?
Is it only sexual pleasures? Is it only about satiating our physical needs?
Someone very close to me, had once complimented me 4.5years ago, that I am a “Goddess of Sensuality” & I felt so unworthy of the title then. I looked into the mirror & felt I was anything but that!!
My longest journey has been “understanding” this concept. Between the long silences & the clutter of mind, I often toy around with tgis novel idea. Its only now that I truly embrace & accept that I am extremely “sensuous” in every sense of the word! Here’s what I uncovered about this beautiful term:-
– Sensuality for me is gift of *stimulated senses* having the ability to perceive everything around me in awe, in spark, in grace! It’s heightened sense of awareness!
– its the ability to feel the warmth of the wind & experience it as a lovers embrace. To experience the ocean bounty, as a mother’s lap & to receive fortitude from the mountains as inner strenght. To feel “rain kissed, sun kissed” & let that penetrate deep into skin & let it enter the soul.
To be sensuous is to be vulnerable, to be authentic, to have courage to be comfortable in one’s own skin & take pride in it!!
Its embracing one’s own sexuality & seeing oneself beyond the limitations of the body. Its enjoying the 5D vibrations staying in a 3D releam.
Its beyond the perfect figure, voluptuous/curvaceous body. Its how *fullfulled* one feels in the present situation. Its the spark in the eyes, those untold tales, those unsung songs that the heart has composed & the soul is willing to sizzle on!
Sensuality is about “substance, depth, passion, intensity, zeal for life”
Its about marvelling in the lap of nature & enjoying the secret lovemaking that happens between the Sky & Earth. Its in identifying the melody of one’s soul that lies untouched. Its about having the courage to bare your soul & be your true self!

Sensuality is “Awakening of senses” to bask in the glory of Life & cultivating the flair to immerse in its unmatched magic & accolades!
Sensuality is “honesty” its about feeling liberated being “real” being “raw” & fearless.
Its being limitless!!!

I am sensuous as I feel molecule dance around me when I dance. Every colour rejoicing around me, when I paint & every word getting organism, everytime I write!!!
Sensuality!!!!!! It took me a lifetime embracing you, but now having reached, I am here to expand its consciousness, its beauty & magnificence to unscaled heights, to levels– unconvinced & unfathomable!!!
To every person, thing situation & to that dear one who recognised this in me much before me, I humbly take a gracious bow!!!!

Sounds of my silence!!!

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