Magdalene Rose

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TEMPLE Worship!

In Spiritual circles, there is paramount emphasis on Crown chakra & on meditations, which is great, but it DISMISSES one core element-

The BODY! Your Temple!

It makes the seeker believe that everything is OUT there & one has to reach God by relinquishing the sensual pleasure!

I personally feel its quiet the opposite!

When you can meet GOD in spaces of your lovemaking, & experience your inner wholeness by RECOGNIZING yourself as “SELF REALIZED” your reality will begin to ALTER!

To see our sexuality as sacred, we must understand we’re engaging in a relationship with all aspects of ourselves.

The vagina is our deepest source of power, pleasure and beauty.

The way we feel about our vulva and vagina (or the energy of our vagina) is how we feel about ourselves over all.

If we feel disgust, then we feel disgust about ourselves & vice versa.

Ritual for the week:-

–       Treat yourself and your body as you would treat any spiritual site.

–       Look at yourself naked in front of a mirror.

–       Pay attention to the parts of you typically skimmed over or ignored.

–       Send loving energy to your cellulite, acne scars and pubic hair.

–       See the sacredness within your naked body. Give yourself pleasure

–       Gently rub coconut oil or body lotion into your skin, really treating

–       Every inch of your skin like it’s a holy object.

Ask your vagina,what she wants in order to be experienced as sacred. Is it a candlelit bath with essential oils? Dancing in the moonlight? Eating a delicious meal? Indulging in expensive raw cacao chocolates?

Set aside one evening in your schedule where you 100% revere yourself as sacred, giving pussy and your body exactly all she needs, allowing your sensual dance to be a prayer to the divine.   Thanks & Regards,
     Sheetal R Ahuja

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