Magdalene Rose

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From the Alpha till the Omega, stands the archetypal power of the Divine Feminine – the Goddess in every woman who awaits to be REVIVED!She is our future, our past & she contains the wisdom of the present. With the drum in her hand, fire in her soul, & the ocean in her infinite love, she is the gatekeeper of the New Earth Consciousness! She is here on a Divine Mission! The Universe breathes in the pulse of her magnanimous heart! She is willing to rise above all scars of abuse. She is now willing to embrace her sexuality as the most potent life force. She is ready to be enveloped within the confines of her sensuality that brings her to her INNATE sense of being! She is now ready to be revered by her Divine Masculine both Inner & her counterpart out there, & BE the Epitome of RESILENCE & TRIUMPH! Her Divine Masculine is her CROWNING GLORY, he GLORIFIES her just by shinning in his mighty power & he heralds a new beginning of a new chapter that never existed on this planet before. He is here to remind her of her divinity as she mirrors & projects his majesty onto him! They do not complete each other, but they exist as a SACRED dance of Yin & Yang from the beginning of Creation

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