Magdalene Rose

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What does SACRED UNION entail??

We all want to enjoy the Greatest Love that is, & bask in it’s glory with all our might.
We all want to simmer in the depths of that captivating ocean of Unconditional Love & scale the esctasy of pure bliss by way of a full body orgasm!

I recall in 2016 I had intended exactly this in Greece in middle of the sea!

Little did I know I’m inviting a SEA CHANGE into my life in the name of “Love”

And then this love knocked my heart!

So, what does this path look like??
Have you ever pondered what does such an Ascended Connection REQUIRE in order to SUSTAIN on EARTH?

– Fierce Self Love:- This path is not about cosmetic self love which is shallow & restricted to displaying your Instagram perfect life, but it includes you DARING TO LOVE those aspects of yourself that you feel absolutely ASHAMED about!
Owning it, claiming it & HONOURING it. And trust me it’s not an easy task!

– Committment towards SELF:-
Women typically blame the men who do not commit, and conveniently OVERLOOK their own level of disconnection with self. A good place to start would be reflecting “how committed are you towards your AUTHENTICITY? How far can you go to get a RAW DEAL of yourself?

– Relationships are master teachers. Atleast for me! It’s groomed me, chiseled me to who I am today! While you ready to burn with desires passionately, are you ready to bear all the fire that comes along with it? Most people are not equipped to handle the intensity of this fire. Hence they start fighting and being aggressive (actively or passively) with each other. Or they repress their feelings and close off a part of themselves.

A committed conscious Union unifies two mortals who are meant to be at sync & in perfect harmony with each other & more importantly, starting with SELF!

It sounds amazing. And really, it is.

Yet it is not for the faint hearted

It takes “dedication” and it takes holy work of love to sustain a Holy Union.
Both partners need to be willing to drop all games and do that work together.
They need to be willing to look deeper.
To feel deeper. And even deeper.

All the way down until no thoughts move.
Then you know who you are, who is your partner and who you are together.
From this foundation you can build.

– Through responsibility for your reactions and emotions; through daring to bring your fierceness to your partner thus serving as an agent of transformation
– Through commitment to your energetic and emotional well-being!
– Through continually re-aligning with the Nature of your Union, you discover that the Union is an intelligence that is beyond your mind’s ideas.

You say you want to feel seen and met by your partner, but can you bear it?
Can you bear being so entirely naked before someone so they see all your raw places, all the places you have a hard time loving within yourself?

Or would you rather they saw only your pretty parts?

Love won’t play by your rules. You are the one who has to surrender.
And surrender more.
Because as long as there are unsurrendered parts within you, you will be getting burnt by the fire of love.

Love wants to kiss you from within and transform you into what you have always secretly dreamt of but never dared to admit.
Love wants to give you all.

You say you want it all, but will you dare to receive it?

From my own experience I would say, I was in a slumber, until my Beloved came along. He not only shook the ground beneath my feet, he COLLAPSED my world, that was full of duality, separation & illusion.

It’s like having a million bypass surgery in a lifetime as the heart space gets completely cracked open!

It’s no longer a love story but rather weaves every element of my Life story!

Relationships are very easy to make, and easier to even break
The ones choosing, yearning and desiring GRANDEST Love, please know you have subscribed to your METAPHORSIS & your life will never be the same again!

Choose it ONLY if every fibre of your being sings to it!


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