1. Prepare your body & environment:- Often times, people “rush” or indulge in “quickies” & they miss out on a whole gamut of pleasure. By slowing down and taking time to prepare your body (and environment) for pleasure, you are literally amping your sexual ecstasy.
– Take a candlelit bath
– Play soft and soothing music
– Make sure your room is clean and “nice”
– Decorate- use flowers, candles, sexy lighting, blankets and pillows
– Massage your body with oil or lotion
2. Prepare your mind:- Studies have shown that a minimum of 21 deep breaths, with conscious relaxation techniques can be beneficial for relaxing the nervous system making you feel more “present’ and connected to your body.
– With each inhale, breathe consciously into first your belly, then your pelvic floor, and then your genitals.
– With each exhale, invite more and more of your body to relax, release, and let go. Starting with your belly, then your pelvic floor, then your actual genitals, and then the whole body.
– Continue this for 21 breaths, and then make note of how you feel in your body.
3. Warm up:- Activate your sexual CHI with some sensual massage. Massage stimulates blood flow and circulation, helping your internal clitoris and erectile tissue to engorge
4. Breathe:- to access your FULL orgasmic potential you must expand your capacity for pleasure, by relaxing into and riding the current of your breath.
5. Focus on pleasure and NOT on having an orgasm:- Please stop making genital climax your goal, and start making PLEASURE your goal.
– Find out how much pleasure you can generate in your body
– How much pleasure can you hold in your body?
– Where do you feel it most? Does it move around?
– What happens when you breathe into it?
– What happens when you rock your pelvis a bit?
Sheetal R Ahuja