85% Women experience this & let’s zoom into this today
– sexual shutdown
– abuse
– molestation
– health issues & surgeries
– low sexual libido
– sexual trauma
– emotional turmoil
Yoni Massage is the Antidote!
While it’s extremely therapeutic to receive a NUTURING Yoni Massage it’s also equally possible to extend this loving therapy to SELF!
The vagina houses a wide range of reflexology map that factors various organs, & corresponding emotions trapped in there.
My fav point is the cervix coz that is the HEART point. It feels like a psychic surgery & literally cracks one open & strips off layers of trauma.
Another potent one is the A spot that carries gulit & shame. The spleen lodges blame & anger.
Over years of my extensive studies & undergoing a Metamorphosis myself, I can vouch for everything coz I have felt it in blood & flesh!
If you are truly ready to break your barrier & OPEN your heart, start with a soothing breast massage & extend that energy into your vagina.
The vagina is the temple gateway to your own sacred portal. It contains your KEY to your AWAKENING & it contains ancient Wisdom that is encoded in your DNA.
Touch your vagus nerve & you will experience DIVINITY right in the body & merge into NOTHINGNESS a space of zero state of Consciousness!
I hear women expecting, complaining about their dissatisfied sexual life. But they fail to see is that by blaming the men, they are OFFLOADING the blame
Own your sexual desire
Own your body
Own your needs
Honour yourself first!
Your partner will continue this frequency & deepen it further & enhance it manifold
Your orgasm begins with you!
Your Sexuality stems from you!
Your needs are first to be MET by you!
New Earth for me is a space where Women CLAIM their birthright to PLEASURE, POWER & FULLY penentrated by the PRESENCE of their own Inner Masculine FIRST!!
Sexual empowerment begins within
It’s a revolution, a committment, a promise & devotion to yourself!!
Life will go by, if you don’t step up & OWN your responsibility!
To the few handful, Wise Women who feel READY, know that your Womb Goddess is WAITING for you!
Sheetal R Ahuja