Magdalene Rose

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The Cervix! C Spot

(The anatomy part is accredited to the book “The Science of Orgasm: by Barry R. Komisaruk.

The metaphysical & spiritual aspects to it are my extensive studies in Tao Tantra, Celtic & Pagan traditions & an extract out of my own life experiences

The cervix is capable of pleasure and orgasm. The cervix in fact, has more neural connections to the brain than any other part of our sexual anatomy

Medical background:-
– The cervix is connected to the vagus nerve, the hypogastric nerve and the pelvic nerve. Stimulating the cervix also allows you to receive more oxytocin, known as the ‘bonding’ hormone
– The clitoris, though very sensitive, has only one main neural connection – the pudendal nerve
– The cervix may be hiding out high up inside of your vagina. It may be to the left or to the right, tilted forward or back. This is because your uterus is a floating organ, which means it moves. As your uterus moves, so does your cervix
– The cervical mucus will look different, depending on the time of the cycle.
– Your cervix might not want to be found. The cervical ligaments may be contracted if there is a sense of unsafety in the nervous system.

Spiritual aspects:-
– Cervical orgasm is a whole-being experience – it’s not localized to the genitals – it includes the heart.
– Cervical orgasm is connected to a woman’s HEART directly. Women often experience bouts of tears with heartfelt joy when her core feels deeply loved!
– The cervical orgasm occurs when you feel safe inside of yourself.
– When we block our emotional world through distraction, addiction or self-judgement, the emotion gets stuck in the body. Over time, we live more in the head and avoid painful feelings. When we avoid pain, we also numb pleasure.
– Clitoral orgasm is possible while you’re angry or sad (this is because the clitoral orgasm and anger are not that far away from each other in the nervous system!).
– The cervical orgasm, however, is a space of pure love. It occurs in a very deep place in the nervous system which cannot co-exist with anger, resentment, shame or anxiety.
– Because the heart and cervix are connected, our heart wounds show up in the pelvis, genitals and cervix. If
– We have to release the ‘tension’ around the heart. In other words, let go of the way we hold onto emotion. A breast massage infused with mindfulness is a good place to start “HEART DE-ARMOURING”
– Touching your cervix may bring up varying emotions for you. Fear, anger, unsafety, rejection, resistance etc.
– Cultivate self love & radical acceptance before you begin to explore your Cervix. This might take some time. Please be kind to yourself as you explore deep places within you both when with your beloved & by yourself

Commune with your Cervix:- (self pleasure)
– De-armouring (is a way to clear the energetic and physical blocks from the body)


– Pleasure yourself in a way that works for you, being mindful of not
– climaxing too early via the clit.
– If you do use your clit for pleasure, keep your focus inside at your cervix as much as possible. This helps you associate the feelings of pleasure with the cervix.
– The aim is to balance relaxation with arousal.
– Skip clitoral orgasm & instead, focus on other ways to generate pleasure inside your body.
– Start with Breast and nipple stimulation, sensual movement, sound, different kinds of vulva strokes.

Your body is your teacher. Your body knows. Our work is to learn how to slow down, focus and listen.

– SheetalRaj

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